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11 titre(s) retrouvé(s).

Aux confins de l'univers - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB520746

An account of the construction, in Algonquin Park, Ontario, of a radiotelescope designed by...

Champs de l'espace - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB527877

A revelation of the distant universe, accomplishing through film animation what even the most...

Comète - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB528089

Throughout history, comets have stirred the human imagination. This information-packed, science...

En route pour Mauna Kea - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB527601

The summit of Mauna Kea, an extinct volcano on the island of Hawaii, is an exceptional site for...

Galilée, la naissance d'une étoile

CNDP F95-009

Rome, 1633. Un homme comparaît devant le tribunal de l’Inquisition, accusé d’avoir soutenu...

La lune change - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB524579

A clip in the Science Please! collection, The Moon Changes uses archival footage, animated...

Les Chasseurs d'ombre - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB527090

Solar eclipses, among nature's more spectacular phenomena, have always fascinated us. For some...

Les miroirs du temps - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB520803

How did our calendar come to be? Why do the seasons change? How did the days of the week get their...

Notre Univers - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB527487

A triumph of film art, creating on the screen a vast, awe-inspiring picture of the universe as it...

Satellites du soleil - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB524382

The science of film animation and a new knowledge of outer space bring to the screen this...

Zoom cosmique - DVD

National Film Board Of Canada NFB527222

This film probes the infinite magnitude of space, and its reverse, the ultimate minuteness of...

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