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Conversations with John Diefenbaker

This title is a part of the series Conversations with Canada's Prime Ministers

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Catalogue Number:  CTV717
Producer:  CTV
Subject:  Canadian History, Canadian Politics, Canadian Social Studies, Canadian World Studies, First Nations Studies, History, Indigenous Issues, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Running Time:  39

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John George Diefenbaker was born in Neustadt, Ontario on September 18, 1895. He was Prime Minister of Canada from June 21, 1957 to April 22, 1963. During his term, he championed the Canadian Bill of Rights in 1958 and gave all Aboriginal people the right to vote in 1960. Mr. Diefenbaker was the first Prime Minister to appoint a woman Cabinet Minister and the first to appoint an Aboriginal person to the Senate. John Diefenbaker died on August 16, 1979. In this segment, Diefenbaker discusses his youth in the west, his thoughts on constitutional amendments, the Bill of Rights, the role of justice, the development of northern Canada and his legacy as Prime Minister.

In November 1969, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the Bill of Rights superseded all other statutes passed in Canada since Confederation. Prime Minister John Diefenbaker discusses the importance of an end to discrimination of various groups in Canada.


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